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Liana Arus

First Party Collections (4 years)

Liana Arus has 6 years of prior experience in shipping industry working at CMACGM where she was a key account collector who worked directly with key/VIP accounts. Liana’s experience includes cross training with other departments such as disputes, documentation, rates, logistics and customer service where she was able to view the shipment process from beginning to end and its affect on invoicing. Utilizing what she has learned, Liana is able to properly escalate accounts and maintain strong relationships. At Metro Group Maritime, Liana believes that working with others from various steamship lines has strengthened and broadened her understanding of the industry.

Interim Mailing Address
49 W. Mount Pleasant Ave.  

P.O. Box 2371

Livingston, NJ 07039

Phone: 212-425-7774

Fax: 212-425-8103

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